
愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.1愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.2愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.3愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.4愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.5愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.6愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.13愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.14愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.15愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.16愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.17愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.18愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.19愤怒的公牛 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2023-12-14 20:05


  杰克•拉莫塔(罗伯特•德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)出身于纽约的布鲁克林区。自小便进行拳击训练的杰克很快就在拳击界崭露头角,他因在比赛中出拳迅猛,打击对手毫不留情,表现得就像一头公牛,被称为“愤怒的公牛”。


 1 ) Raging Bull in Scorsese on Scorsese

摘自《Scorsese on Scorsese》一书中,Scorsese对这部电影的回顾。
Scorsese began working on a new script with Jay Cocks entitled Night Life, about a fraternal rivalry. But by the end of 1978 his marriage had broken up, he was in poor health and in a severe state depression. It was at this jucture that Raging Bull, the life story of former boxing champion Jake La Motta, offered a way out of his crime and personal impasse. It became, as Scorsese later acknowledged, a means of redemption.

When I was doing Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore, De Niro gave me the book Raging Bull.... In this book, they tried to give a reason for everything Jake did in his life, for his guilt and for his violence. It was very bad,

Right after New York, New York, during those two-and-a-half years from 1976 yo 1978, I went through a lot of problems. The film was not successful, and I was very depressed. I finally came out of it when I was in hospital on Labor Day weekend 1978, and De Niro came to visit me and he said, 'You know, we can make this picture.' There were three or four scripts which had been written in the meantime, and they had all been rejected. I didn't like any of them and didn't pay much attention, because I was in pretty bad shape. And Bob said, 'Listen, we could really do a great job on this film. Do you want to make it?' I found myself saying, 'Yeah.' I understood then what Jake was, but only after having gone through a similar experience. I was just lucky that there happened to be a project there ready for me to express this. The decision to make the film was made then.

I was fascinated by the self-destructive side of Jake La Motta's character, his very basic emotions. What could be more basic than making a living by hitting another person on the head until one of you falls or stops?

I put everything I knew and felt into that film and I thought it would be the end of my career. It was what I call kamikaze way of making movies: Pour everything in, then forget all about it and go find another way of life.

…So on this island Bob and I were looking at each other, and he said that On the Waterfront was our iconography, not Shakespeare, so why don’t we use it?

I pointed out that this would mean De Niro playing Jake La Motta playing Marlon Brando Playing Terry Malone! The only way to do it was to make it so cold that you concentrate on the words and you feel him finally coming to some sort of peace with himself in front of that mirror. And that’s the way we did it, in nineteen takes. Sometimes Jake himself would really act it out in a very strong way which was quite heartbreaking, and Bobby did it that way three times. It was the last day of shooting, and I think used take 13 in the end. One reviewer in America wrote that it’s the most violent scene in the film. When he says in the mirror, ‘It was you, Charlie,’ is he playing his brother, or putting the blame on himself? It’s certainly very disturbing for me.

Bob got to know Jake well and he worked with him a great deal just to be with him. I think he actually took care of Jake. When we shot the boxing scenes we had Jake there for ten weeks. After they completed, Bob looked at him and Jake said, ‘Yeah, I know, goodbye.’ Bob said, ‘That’s right.’ The dramatic scenes bear little attention to what actually happened.

I always find the antagonist more interesting than the protagonist in the drama, the villain more interesting than the good guy. Then there’s what I guess is a decidedly Christian point of view: ‘Who are we to judge, to point out the speck in our brother’s eye, while we have a beam in our own eye?’ Jake La Motta acted much tougher in real life than he appeared in the film. The script originally showed much worse things about him, but I found it impossible to show them – you could over twenty years, but in the space of two hours there is a risk of forcing them out of context. Nevertheless, I find these characters fascinating. Obviously, I find elements of myself in them and I hope people in the audience do too, and can maybe learn from them and find some sort of peace.

… I was never a fight fan. I saw two fights at Madison Square Gardens for research and the first image I drew was the bloody sponge. Then the second time I went, I was in the fifth row from the front, and I saw the blood coming off the rope. As the next bout was announced, no one took any notice of it.

I felt that Jake used everybody to punish himself, especially in the ring. When he fights ‘Sugar’ Ray Robinson, why does he really take that beating for fifteen rounds? Jake himself said that he was playing possum. Well, that may be Jake in reality, but Jake on the screen is something else. He takes the punishment for what he feels he’s done wrong. And then he’s thrown in jail, he’s just faced with a wall, and so with the real enemy for the first time – himself. Jonathan Demme gave me a portrait of Jake made by a folk artist and around the edge of this piece of slate war carved, ‘Jake fought like he didn’t deserve to live.’ Exactly. I made a whole movie and this guy did it in one picture.

Bob is a very generous actor and he will be even stronger when the other guy’s in close-up. Often I steal lines from the speeches we film over his shoulder, because some of them are so good. And he really gets other actors to act to his scenes. For example, when Jake asks Joey, ‘Did you fuck my wife?’ I had written a seven-page scene, the only full-length dialogue scene in the film. When he asks the question, you see Joey asking him back, ‘What, how could you say that?’ I told Bob I wasn’t getting enough reaction from Joe Pesci. He told me to roll the camera again, and then said, ‘Did you fuck your mother?’ When you see the film again, look at Joe’s reaction! I like that kind of help. You have to throw your ego out of the door: you can’t take it into the rehearsal room and you can’t take it on the set.

…De Niro’s not really a student of any particular method of acting.

 2 ) 我曾经是一个瞎子,我现在能看见了


 3 ) 《愤怒的公牛》其实是一部和拳击无关的拳击电影













 4 ) 绝望的用自己的角,戳自己

拳击题材的电影拍成这样,已经没有后路了。一个拳击手的赛场胜利,不会给观众传达出任何的兴奋点。它反其道而行,让你觉得每一次赛场胜利,都是人生的失败。德尼罗饰演的拳手,处事方式只有暴力。他就只会暴力。与处事偏软一些的弟弟相比,公牛杰克就是一头畜生。他悲哀的缘由,在于赛场胜利不能带给他安全感。公牛深知赛场上的一切,都只是赛场上的而已。挥出去的拳头,能把对手击倒。但当它打在妻子脸上,击倒的就是自己。斯科塞斯让公牛成为了尖锐的自我矛盾体,他弱化了拳击,重点刻画的是拳击手无望的生活。似乎成功,对于拳击手来说不过是失败的另一面。他变成自己曾经唾弃的单口相声表演者时,拳击手的灵魂封闭在后台准备时的对镜自我激励里。他在后台对着空气打拳,拳头出去后,打到的依旧是自己。 这才是真的绝望主义吧。

 5 ) Martin Scorsese‘s anti-hero

   If we intend to list the top 10 directors in the 60s in states, I guess no one would vote for nay to Martin Scorsese. This short man with 1/4 Italian descent constantly presented some glorious creations during the 60s and 70s. People always scorn that he is the uncrowned king with no title from the affection of the academy in his golden times, but who cares; he got the affirmation from the massive film fans. Martin is a productive and versatile director if you try to take a peak of his works. However, martin’s motif and style is simple as hell, the could be concluded as the autobiography of rock music, mafia and gang hustle, Hemingway’s hero, and marginalized population. We all knew that martin has two particularly favored actors, the former one is Robert De Niro, the latter one is Leonardo Dicaprio. The two guys witnessed the ups and downs of his career and also, they mutually inspired each other in artistic level. With some sort of coincidence, the two actors nearly monopolized 70% of the marginalized characters in martin’s film. I saw Taxi Driver, Shutter Island, I saw The Age of Innocence and The Departed. I called my self the firm supporter of martin. I love De Niro for sure, however with some weird resistance without cause, I just reject to watch The Raging Bull.(probably as a female, Im just not into any film in the theme of the fighting), until recently, an imp of impulse pushed me to see The Raging Bull in 3th May, 2015. and once again, im completely overwhelmed by the vibe of the movie and De Niro’s amazing acting. I mean, sometimes martin’s film is so unique that is impossible to be imitate, his heroes even gave the similarity with Hemingway’s characters whom is rebellious and destined to be doomed in life , fight with the reality without purpose, fight in an even perverse way with the fate, but at the same time, they have some kind of inner strength in mind nevertheless it is not ranked as aspiration or belief. In literature, we call Jake a round character, an anti-hero, which means he or she is mixed in personality and action, who could be a evil & good, savior and sinner, black and white at the same time. Jake is paranoid, violent, suspicious, and chauvinistic, we hate all of it. But equally, he has a gentle and soft side, he never lose his dignity and pride, he fight to the last minute. We saw a man who lives in the dumps at the late years, it is the tragedy of personality, and also it is a self- choice. Are you feeling sorry for him? Maybe the majority of us would say no, because we see a man who can be crushed but cannot be defeated.

 6 ) 不是体育迷依然被打动

















一只愤怒的、偏执的、不畏世俗的公牛。当全世界都站在右边,他却一直靠左,成为俗世里不肯媚俗的疯子。对于爱情,他狭隘得失去理性,怀疑一切,轻贱一切,惟我独尊。最后的最后,岁月积淀,尘埃落定以后才懂得,once I was blind but now I can see,see through the truth...

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第一次看到如此“不励志”的拳击电影,简直就是体育版taxi driver啊,马丁斯科塞斯真的是愤青了一辈子。德尼罗和乔佩西都演得好棒!这个小心眼又不服输的男人真是栩栩如生。剪辑也赞(尤其拳击段落那个升腾的热气),马丁的御用女剪辑得了三座小金人。。。

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once I was blind but now I can see,see through the truth... ps:得知最后他晚年那个肥胖不是化妆而是增肥一股敬佩油然而生啊

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靠,Rober De Niro演的实在他妈太好了。最后一句圣经怎么有点莫名其妙的?

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1.罗伯特德尼罗的封神之作,乔佩西的出山之作 2. 教科书的剪切,但拳击场景不够真实 3. 德尼罗为戏牺牲的精神,想必感染了后来的蝙蝠侠 4. 疑心过重的人,再能打也不够用,共勉之

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这片子冗长、沉闷、焦躁、压抑,拍的这么累,我看的这么累,最后德尼罗对着镜子说I'm the boss我都快哭了,生活不属于他,生活大得同化了一切,这电影绝不是在呈现肤浅的咆哮或愤怒,也远不同于Fight Club那种宣泄、抗争和解脱。它在讲存在的荒谬,在讲销魂蚀骨的孤独、无奈,无可依靠、无可解脱。

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松仁威秀二刷,身體性抓得很好!某種粗礪而生猛的chaos描述(噪雜音景),40s風格(如Body and Soul、Life magazine)卻更加爆裂憤怒不穩定的獨特性。黑白影調讓多場戲(拳擊賽、俱樂部、酒吧、監獄等)的背景取消、煙霧繚繞,取得一致性;再次扣回也延續至The King of Comedy的主角人設。劇作其實是相當單純,抓著男人的缺陷走(猜忌、自大、虛妄,終至身體膨脹,有點想起最偉大的美國夢悲劇Citizen Kane),也讓女人的立場與觀點清晰旁落(Cathy Moriarty有幾幕想起Kim Novak),但他本質上不過是想成功的窮小子,在擂台上伴隨惆悵音符對虛無揮拳的一縷幽魂,年輕還能多少掌握自己身體(並重擊對手),後來連體重都控制不了,遑論黑幕重重的複雜世故。

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重看@filmoteca 这种几乎所有角色都是傻逼,三观在我看来简直恶心的片子很难去共情(大概我不喜欢马丁很大程度上是因为他不少片子都是如此)因此从头到尾不管剧情是否有高潮都内心毫无波动,但好在还有德尼罗的表演和几段极其精彩的剪辑。

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