

主演:西德尼·波蒂埃  罗德·斯泰格尔  沃伦·奥茨  李·格兰特  拉里·盖茨  




炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.1炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.2炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.3炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.4炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.5炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.6炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.13炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.14炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.15炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.16炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.17炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.18炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.19炎热的夜晚 剧照 NO.20
更新时间:2024-04-11 10:33


  一个从芝加哥来到斯巴达准备建工厂的商人Mr. Colbert被发现死于街头。一个正在火车站等车的黑人Virgil Tibbs(西德尼·波蒂埃 Sidney Poitier 饰)被警察当作嫌疑犯抓到警察局。一番盘查之下,Tibbs告诉当地警方,他也是一名警察,而且擅长处理凶杀案件。他遭到调查的原因只是因为他是黑人,他迫切想离开当地,然而Tibbs的上司让他留在当地,和当地警长Bill Gillespie(罗德·斯泰格尔 Rod Steiger 饰)一起查案。在这个种族歧视极为严重的地方,Tibbs的调查遭遇了重重阻拦,Bill也劝他早日离开,不要再插手。然而Tibbs却始终不肯放弃,坚持要查出真相......  本片获1968年奥斯卡7项提名,最后赢得包括最佳影片和最佳男主角等5项大奖。


 1 ) 炎热的夜晚 英文故事简介

Philip Colbert, a wealthy man from Chicago who was planning to build a factory in the rural town of Sparta, Mississippi, is found murdered. Police Chief Bill Gillespie (Rod Steiger) comes under pressure to quickly find Colbert's killer. African-American northerner Virgil Tibbs (Sidney Poitier), passing through, is picked up at the train station by a police officer (Rod Steiger) who finds Tibbs with a substantial amount of cash in his wallet. Officer Gillespie, heavily prejudiced against blacks, jumps to the conclusion that he has his culprit, but is embarrassed to learn that Tibbs is a respected Philadelphia homicide detective who had been visiting his mother. After the bigoted treatment he received, Tibbs wants nothing more than to leave Sparta as quickly as possible, but his captain recommends he stay and help the investigation. The victim's widow, already frustrated by the ineptitude of the local police, is impressed by Tibbs' expert ability when he clears another wrongly-accused suspect Gillespie has arrested on flimsy evidence. She threatens to stop construction on the much-needed factory unless Tibbs leads the investigation. Unwilling to accept help but under orders from the town's mayor, Gillespie talks Tibbs into lending his services. Despite the rocky start to their relationship, the two police come to respect each other as they are compelled to work together to solve the crime. Tibbs initially suspects wealthy plantation owner Eric Endicott, who opposed the new factory. When he attempts to interrogate Endicott about Colbert, Endicott slaps him in the face. Tibbs slaps him back, which leads to Endicott sending a gang of redneck hooligans after Tibbs. Gillespie rescues Tibbs from the fight and orders him to leave town for his own safety. Tibbs refuses to leave until he has solved the case. Tibbs asks Sam Wood, the officer who discovered the body, to retrace his steps the night of the murder. He and Gillespie accompany Sam on his patrol route, stopping at a diner where the counterman, Ralph Henshaw, refuses to serve Tibbs because he is black. When Tibbs notices that Sam has deliberately changed his route, Gillespie begins to suspect Sam of the crime. When he discovers that Sam made a sizable deposit into his bank account the day after the murder (which Sam claims was gambling winnings) and Lloyd Purdy, a local, files charges against Sam for getting Purdy's 16-year-old sister, Delores, pregnant, Gillespie arrests Sam for the murder over Tibbs' protests. Purdy is insulted that Tibbs, a black man, was present for his sister's interrogation about her sexual encounter with Sam, and he gathers a lynch mob to get his revenge on Tibbs. Tibbs is able to clear Sam by finding the original murder scene and pointing out that Sam would not have been able to drive two cars at the same time to dump the body and the victim's car while continuing on his patrol. Acting on a hunch, Tibbs tracks down the local back-room abortionist, who reveals that someone paid for Delores Purdy to have an abortion. When Delores arrives, Tibbs pursues her outside, where he is confronted by the murderer: the diner counterman Ralph Henshaw. Purdy's mob tracks down Tibbs at this moment, and he is being held at gunpoint when he proves to Purdy that it was Ralph, not Sam, who got Delores pregnant. Purdy attacks Ralph, who kills Purdy in self-defense. Ralph is arrested and confesses to the murder of Colbert. He had attempted to rob Colbert to gain money to pay for Delores' abortion but accidentally killed him. His job done, Tibbs finally boards the Gulf, Mobile, & Ohio train out of town, seen off by a more respectful Gillespie.

 2 ) Film Review

In the Heat of the Night is a film about racial discrimination. This film begins with a blame of a black male and this male helped many people to uphold justice after the effort. It also commences in a dark night, the environment cause a stressful and mysterious atmosphere. In order to highlight the topic of this film, it used many characters to express its opinion. There are some funny and rhythmical music run through the whole movie. Police use gum to enrich this character. The big red "EAT" advertising board looked stick out, in my opinion, it reveals the darkness of the society and the attitude of people. why the detective did not explain anything and keep silence when that police blame him? Will this story be different if the detective is a black?

 3 ) 为何黑人警官会抓到餐馆老板就是犯人?

黑人警官一开始是要找一切跟干案动机有关的人,于是找了死者的死对头,但是后来发现不对,因为出事那天有三人看见死者独自离开,并没跟死对头一起离开。由于死者的钱被偷了,所以他还要再找一切可能跟抢劫或偷窃有关的的任何蛛丝马迹或嫌疑人,在这居民不多的小镇里,任何急需要钱的人都可能做出抢劫或偷窃的事来,刚好他看见怀孕了的少女,于是想到她会急需要很多钱去堕胎,而付钱堕胎的人就值得去追查钱从哪来了。 现在都明白了吧?(对于老片来说,不要要求太高啦,有剧情有演技就行了,哈哈)

 4 ) The best mystery thriller of all time

This is possibly a very rare flawless mystery thriller. Everything goes well and the audience are attracted to it. It is also elevated by the stellar performances of Sidney Poitier and Rod Steiger, and by the social satire theme about racism. Most of the white men in the town are prejudiced against black people. Yet in the end it is a negro who solves the murder case.

 5 ) 一点想法









 6 ) In the Heat of the Night




  • cilei
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  • 印第安纳波利斯
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1好警察和不那么好的警察的故事才出彩;中国对于警察题材如此忌惮以致于公安部还要审查,简直是在扼杀商业电影2获得7个提名拿了5个小金人,包括最佳电影最佳剪辑最佳改编剧本最佳男主角 3黑人影星Sidney Poitier出演,不过最佳男主角给了出演警长的Rod Steiger

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  • 摇滚玄奘
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  • Milandini
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  • 千寻亿选
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1.警长的私生活非常值得琢磨,而且显然导演刻意有往那个方面引(家庭女性缺位,强化警长与下属以及非裔侦探的微妙关系),Rod的表演也完全把这种暧昧和隐秘感hold住了2.Ray Charles的Soul很赞3.小偷逃跑时的那一大段摄影很slay,诺曼杰威森的影像节奏感很牛

  • WillGoWild
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1967, 又是1967, 挑戰那些無聊的種族主義, 洛史特加先生演出更勝一籌.....也開啟了雙雄模式, 最後的一笑盡在不言中.....鐘斯先生的配樂無敵.....

  • 影毒肥佬
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  • 隐遁
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导演诺曼·杰威森要求罗德·斯泰格尔在表演的时候嚼着口香糖。罗德·斯泰格尔刚开始反对,但慢慢喜欢这个建议。在电影拍摄期间,他一共嚼掉263袋口香糖。由于当时政治条件上的原因,密西西比州最终从拍摄场地的名单中排除。伊利诺斯州的斯帕特被选为拍摄场地,故事中小镇的名字也改为了斯帕特,这样当地的标志就无需去改动。—— 在美国,即使南北战争、美国黑人运动过了这么多年,黑人依然存在被不平等对待的现象;即使同性恋婚姻合法,LGBTQ群体依然会被人歧视;……在中国,即使发生了重庆公交车坠江事故,依然无法杜绝全国各地接连又发生公车司机被打的事件……有时候以为这个世界会变得更美好,可是它总是通过各种大小事反馈给人们它一直都是不够美好。

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  • Arcadia
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情节与表演都富有张力,巧妙地将种族问题融入到一起谋杀案当中,Rod Steiger饰演的白人警长态度的转变流畅自然并且这种转变也没脱离开角色自身的性格。开头一段的氛围营造就很棒,尤其是当影片结束再回看这一段时。

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  • 韩伯愚
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呵呵 好多的火车 风扇和钟 细节的用心可见一斑 摄影不错 表演不错 但太过舞台剧太过老派啦 话说那个耳光就叫名垂影史么

  • 周鱼
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  • 有心打扰
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对种族歧视的描绘在那个时代一定是极为大胆的 现在看来也是尖锐的 不算严密的侦探戏仅仅是为了表达这个深刻的主题 横扫当年奥斯卡啊

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